初めての生徒・金鹿の学級 Student of the Golden Deer
(金鹿の教室 昼)
Golden Deer Classroom | Daytime
ヒルダ: あれ? あれれー?もしかして、担任ってあなたなんですかー?
Hilda: Wait. What?! Are you really our new homeroom professor?
イグナーツ: ええっ!? そうなんですか?ボクはてっきり……
Ignatz: Is that true? You aren’t quite what I had pictured… Oh! Sorry! I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.
ヒルダ: うん、てっきり騎士団にでも誘われたんだと思ってましたよー。
Hilda: I was sure you’d be roped into joining the knights!
クロード: もしかして、俺のことを気に入って、この学級を選んでくれたのか?
Claude: Don’t tell me. You chose this class just to get to know me better, right? I’m flattered, really.
Heh, whoops. Now that you’re our professor, maybe I should choose my words more carefully.
Byleth: 構わない I don’t mind.
クロード: そうか? まあ、俺たちとさして年も変わらないようだし、堅苦しいのもな。
Claude: Oh? Well, then! Since we’re pretty close in age and all, I suppose formalities aren’t all that necessary.
ローレンツ: しかし、我々と同年代で教師というのは、異例の抜擢ではないのか?
Lorenz: One most truly marvel at the exceptionality of this appointment. Becoming a teacher to students almost the same age as yourself. How…unusual.
I’ve heard you are a skilled mercenary, but I cannot shake my discomfort at your new position.
ラファエル: なあ、本当に強えのか?筋肉ならオデのほうがありそうだぞ。
Raphael: Are you really as strong as they say? Let’s see your biceps! I bet I’ve packed on more muscle than you!
イグナーツ: 騎士団のアロイスさんが推薦したって聞きましたけど。
Ignatz: I doubt that. Apparently our new professor was personally recommended by Alois, one of the knights.
クロード: 先生の腕前は俺が保証するよ。しかも、元騎士団長の子供なんだよな?
Claude: As far as skill goes, I saw it with my own eyes. What’s more, Teach here is the child of the most renowned former captain of the Knights of Seiros.
レオニー: ああ。師匠の子供なら、腕が立たないわけないだろう。
Leonie: I heard! There’s no way a child of the captain isn’t worthy. It’s simply not possible.
リシテア: 師匠って? 誰のことです?
Lysithea: The Captain? Who are you talking about?
レオニー: ジェラルト師匠だよ! セイロス騎士団の元団長にして、超一流の傭兵なんだ。
Leonie: Captain Jeralt, of course! The most notable captain of the Knights of Seiros and peerless mercenary.
Choice 1: そこまで有名では…… He’s not that well known…
Choice 2: 超一流かは疑わしい You’re exaggerating a bit.
レオニー: むっ……先生がどう思おうと、わたしにとって師匠は憧れの存在なんだよ!
Leonie: Hmph! It doesn’t matter what you think of him. Captain Jeralt deserves nothing but respect.
リシテア: ふうん……そんな凄いお父様と一緒に傭兵をやってたなら、期待できそうですね。
Lysithea: Hm. Well, after working as a mercenary alongside a father figure such as he, I have high hopes for our professor.
ヒルダ: リシテアちゃん、一流の親を持つ子供が、みんな一流ってわけじゃないのよー?
Hilda: Just because someone is special doesn’t mean their children are special too, Lysithea.
Assuming that a child going to be exceptional just because of their lineage is a bad idea.
Don’t you agree, Marianne?
マリアンヌ: ……え?はい、あの……そうですね。
Marianne: Huh! Oh… Um, yes. I suppose so.
レオニー: 手合わせすれば、わかるだろ?師匠仕込みの戦術と武術……楽しみだな。
Leonie: Well, se can find out for ourselves in battle. I can’t wait to see what tactics you’ve learned from the captain.
ラファエル: それより、歓迎の宴が先だろ?早速、肉を調達しねえとなあ!
Raphael: A battle? Shouldn’t we have a welcome party or something first? I’ll get the meat!
ローレンツ: いや、茶会にしよう。僕が上等な紅茶を用意する。
Lorenz: How savage. I propose a nice conversation over tea instead. I am more than willing to procure some high-quality leaves.
ラファエル: 茶会ってお茶だけ飲むのか?肉を食わねえと、歓迎にならねえだろ!?
Raphael: Tea? You can’t get to know someone over tea. If there’s no meat involved, it’s not a party!
ローレンツ: 君は少し黙りたまえ。だから平民は……
Lorenz: Your common sensibilities are grating to my noble ears. Please quiet yourself.
クロード: ……騒がしくてすまんね。金鹿の学級は、まとまりのない学級なんだ。
Claude: Sorry for the bickering, Teach. As you can see, the Golden Deer House is a rowdy bunch. We’re not especially unified.
You’ll find nobles and commoners alike here. Those who are dedicated to their studies alongside slackers.
But, hey, just makes your life more exciting, right? I really hope you’re looking forward to the year ahead as much as I am.